The Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence Risk Identification
The Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence (DASH 2009-2025) Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model was implemented across all police services in the UK from March 2009. The DASH was accredited by ACPO Council, now known as National Police Chief Council (NPCC).
The DASH is a multi-agency tool used by most agencies with a focus on keeping victims and their children safe and ensuring perpetrators are proactively identified and managed. The DASH is pioneering and innovative, turning a reactive ‘it’s just a domestic’ into a proactive ‘you must ask’ questions approach. Haf the questions focus on coercive control and there is a focus on stalking and so-called honour based abuse because these are the cases where women and children are more likely to be harmed and killed by abusers.
DASH was initially created for the police by those in the police service. However risk assessment and management is a multi-agency process and a shared language is needed which is why the DASH was evolved and developed to be used as a multi-agency tool. The DASH is a lifeline for many victims. The questions and answers are important, so too is the action that you take. Please ensure you are trained and accredited to use the DASH Risk Model.
The DASH training has been university accredited by the University of Brighton. It has received the ‘REQ’ kite mark – recognizing educational quality. If you were trained more than a year ago to use the DASH, you need refresher training.
Learn from the best. Book your place with world-renowned expert Laura Richards who developed the DASH Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model and has trained thousands of professionals. Laura also led the successful coercive control and stalking law reform campaigns which resulted in legislation in England and Wales.
The DASH is a lifeline for many victims. Complete the V-DASH if you are experiencing abuse.
Laura has developed key support material for the DASH (2009-2025) Risk Model. Some of these are downloadable. However, all support material is made available to those undertaking accredited training in the use of the DASH.
Laura is an award winning criminal behavioural analyst, former New Scotland Yard and an international expert on domestic abuse, coercive control, stalking, sexual violence homicide and risk assessment.
Laura trained at New Scotland Yard and the FBI Behavioural Analysis Units and is an advocate for victims and an author, producer and podcaster. Laura has a BSc in Psychology and Sociology and an MSc in Forensic and Legal Psychology.
Head of Homicide Investigations Commendation, Commander Baker, January 7th, 2005
Head of Homicide Investigations Commendation Commander Baker, January 7th, 2005
Dod’s Charity Champions Award -National Charity of the Year June 27th, 2012
Commissioner’s Commendation, Sir Ian Blair, September 7th, 2005
Suzy Lamplugh Trust ‘Taking Stalking Seriously Award’, November 14th, 2012
Charity Times Campaigning Team of the Year Award October 18th, 2012
Commissioner Sir Ian Blair’s Letter, February 17th, 2005
Certificate of excellence from the 9th British Diversity Awards, 2003
L C Richards BSc (Hons), MSc, MBPsS
For further information on the DASH (2009-2025) Risk Model and training enquiries:
Email for Enquiries — laurarichardspa@gmail.com
Email for Training — laurarichardstraining@gmail.com